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Welcome to
NAMI Coast 2 Coast

2 ballers biking across the US in support of mental health awareness

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Home: Welcome

The Most Important Blog Yet...

Hello everyone, we are back with the most important blog of the trip: our ice cream review! As you all know, one of our greatest joys on...

A Quick PSA

We have heard from many of our followers that you all will miss having something to read in the mornings now that we’ve completed our...

Recapping the Final Ride - Charlie

First off, thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way. We’ve loved seeing texts, comments, and Instagram DMs from all of...

Day 68 - ! - Charlie

Hey Nike, we did it. What next? What a trip. More recap to come.

Day 67 - deja vu (by Olivia Rodrigo) - Maddie

Second to last day, what else is there to do besides reflect? The ride was beautiful today, but I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with...

Day 66 - A Sort-of Rest Day - Charlie

Slow, lazy mornings are a luxury you forget about on a bike trip. Today we treated ourselves, spending extra time at Doug’s in the...

Day 65 - Beautiful Ride Into Our Beloved City Life - Maddie

With only 40 miles separating us from Seattle, we woke up early but lounged around Colby’s grandparents’ comfortable home. Colby stopped...

Day 60 - Entering Washington- Charlie

The Trail of the Coeur d’Alene might be my favorite trail we’ve ridden on, and we didn’t even get to ride the entire path. After...

Day 59 - Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Maddie

We have been hearing about Lookout Pass since entering Montana, and today the mountain’s intimidation loomed over me like the fog at...

Day 58 - Battle Tested - Charlie

There are some days where the sun is shining and the breeze is soft and you feel like everything is going your way. Today was not one of...

Day 56 - Spearfish Canyon but Add a Headwind - Maddie

Charlie talked about the greatness of Leah’s family yesterday, but I cannot help but add to the praise. Andrea, Meah, Ty, and Lane were...

Day 55 - A Taste of Montanan Weather - Charlie

(8 hours late) Today was one of those days that was so full, that as I sit here writing this now, the beginning of the day feels like it...

Day 51 - Revelry! - Charlie

Last night we had a lot of fun hearing about life in the mountains from Jay and Mary. Jay told his stories and shared pictures of the...

Day 50 - Not Throwing Away Our Shot - Maddie

Good morning! I just woke from the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in in Big Timber, Montana in the new home of our hosts Jay and...

Day 49 - Splitting Up - Charlie

Before we left Hardin we paid a visit to Mojoes, the coffee shop across the street from the motel. It is drive-thru only right now, but...

Day 47 and 48 - Interstating - Maddie

With absolutely no plans or chores for our rainy rest day, our movie and television series exploration continued. We watched all of...

Day 46 - Hello, Rockies - Charlie

Maddie and I slept soundly on the church’s couch and armchair, respectively. This morning, Pastor Cody took us out for breakfast at Clear...

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